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Before each showing

Before each showing

It is very important that your house looks its best when it is shown. We are aware that it cannot be completely perfect: after all, you and your family are living in the house too. But you should develop a routine for picking up and be prepared to show the house in a short amount of time.   This means that there are a few things you must do

Make me an offer

Make me an offer

As a homeowner, it is natural that you want to wait for an offer before lowering the price.   However, this presents a serious risk: You will likely never receive any offers, as buyers only see houses a little above what they can afford. This is explained in the graphic above.   In other words, at a high price, your property will be i

What is an exclusive agreement and why does it benefit the owner?

What is an exclusive agreement and why does it benefit the owner?

First, let's see what an exclusive agreement is not: An exclusive agreement is not an agreement whereby only one Agent can bring buyers to a property.   An exclusive agreement simply designates a particular Agent to oversee the marketing of a property. But any Agent can bring the buyer! This is a modern way of working, and this is how it ope