This large beautiful parcel on the Northwest coast of St. Thomas is perfect for multiple luxury villas, or other large developments. Th...
MLS ID: 418261 - Listed for $50K less than the last sale! Nestled in the heart of the Seven Mile Beach corridor in the most sought-afte...
Investment of a lifetime, right on the water front of a lagoon area lies 97 acres of prime land which is a major opportunity to formulat...
PRICE: USD$2,500,000 If you are looking for THE PERFECT development lot for a resort or private home, look no further! This 7 acre par...
To accomplish our goals by helping others achieve their dreams.
As a homeowner, it is natural that you want to wait for an offer before lowering the price. However, this presents a serious risk: You will likely never receive any offers, as buyers only see houses a little above what they can afford. This is explained in the graphic above. In other words, at a high price, your property will be i
It is common to want to go to hit the market with an inflated price, thinking that you can always lower the price later. But listing at a price above the market value is a mistake. This is because by the time you finally accept the market price, customers will have lost their interest. Some will bid too low, and you will probably end up un
The Global Referral Exchange took place in February 2022, as part of the RE/MAX convention in Las Vegas, Nevada. This world forum is precisely what its name implies: a global event in which RE/MAX Agents exchange referrals and business opportunities.